Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Because Patients Get Much Benefits From Spinal Decompression Tables

If you are someone who suffers from severe back pain, you’d know how worse the pain can get at times. When talking about the methods or treatment options for managing this pain, people do not prefer opting for surgical methods.

Spinal decompression therapy is a treatment option that utilizes spinal decompression tables to relieve pain by making the painful disc tissue move back into place and heal. This is what helps in alleviating the back pain.
A spinal decompression table is the main tool used in non-surgical spinal decompression therapy. It consists of an upper and lower body portion that can move independently from one another. Fully clothed patients with back pain are strapped to this table using a harness. Once the patient is comfortably placed and the spine is in the correct position for decompression, the two parts of the table begin to pull apart from one another and this is how the therapy starts.
The poundage of this pull depends on the type of decompression as well as the physical appearance of the patient’s body that can range anywhere from 5 pounds to 100 pounds or more. Usually, the poundage of pull is more for larger patients and vice-versa.
These tables also include sensors that help indicate whether the patient’s muscles are resisting the stretch being applied by the table or not. When the muscle resists stretch, the sensor detects it and the table reduces the poundage of the pull until the muscles relax and then, begins to pull again once the muscles have relaxed. After getting much benefits from this therapy, a lot of patients have given positive reviews of spinal decompression tables


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