In pursuance of stretching and realigning the spine of the patients, traction therapy, a therapeutic method is used by the chiropractors to treat a myriad of physical conditions that encompass sciatica, herniated discs, pinched nerves, and other degenerative disc diseases. Straightening the spine and enhancing the ability of the body to heal all by itself, spinal traction also aids in the treatment of fractures and complications with the neck. Relieving pain in the lumbar or cervical spine, there are mainly two types of traction therapy that are used extensively by the chiropractors and they include manual and mechanical spinal traction therapy.
In the manual traction therapy, the patient is put in a state of traction by a chiropractor that helps in relieving their chronic pain, whereas, in the mechanical spinal traction therapy, the patient lays down on a physical therapy traction table that helps in stretching the spine under the observation of a chiropractor.
To provide the service of traction therapy to your patients, it is crucially imperative for you to own a physical therapy traction table but keeping the services aside when we look at the cost of a brand new table, we feel a chill down our spine. Being out of budget for most individually practicing chiropractors, the cost of a new traction table makes them postpone their decision of purchasing one. But it is not all bad news for you can still provide proper traction therapies to your patients with an alternative. Instead of buying a new one, it is recommended that you purchase an used traction table from an authentic and well-renowned seller like Decompression Pros where you get the best-in-class used traction tables and other medical equipment in pristine condition that is delivered and also installed directly to your preferred location.