Pain in the back is troublesome and can affect the other parts of the body too. If you have had been suffering from a long lasting lower back pain, you would be aware of the threat it poses because after all, the problems in your spine only increase over time if not taken care of in the initial stage. When your back is fragile, it can be quite disruptive to your life. So what you should do to lead a better life? You can switch to the spinal decompression therapy that can be surgical or non-surgical. Chiropractic spinal decompression machines are one of the most sought treatments nowadays, for lower back pain.
How does a Chiropractic Decompression Machine work?
It’s a widely acclaimed non-surgical spinal decompression therapy that involves a traction table ready to treat a range of spinal conditions. These chiropractic decompression tables feature a full lumbar harness that fits around your pelvis and the trunk and you are made to lie down and relax with face up or down for up to 40 minutes. The traction or the computer-controlled table then move you back and forth to create a negative intradiscal pressure that further accelerates the effect by pulling the bulging disc back into the disc and makes a passage for the nutrients. The session continues for some more weeks until the patient has started feeling better.
Reasons to choose DOC Decompression Tables for Chiropractic Decompression Therapy
Although there are many products available in the market, only a few are able to sway the doctors. DOC Decompression Tables are one of the highly-recommended traction tables that are versatile, effective, and durable. Here are the reasons to why the experts prefer them.
A DOC Decompression Table has:
● An automated control over elevation, lumbar flexion, and lumbar extension
● A digital command center to make the treatment easier
● 5 completely pre-programmed decompression fully customized protocols to treat a variety of conditions such as Prone OR Spine, Flexion, Lateral Flexion, and Rotation
● An easier set up and can effectively treat patients of all sizes
● Patient Safety Switch to stop the treatment in cases of sudden spasms and discomforts
● Pillows and bolsters to promote the restoration of the cervical curve
● Separate lumbar and cervical motors to eliminate the need for the patients to keep switching their positions
● Scratch resistance property and is built to last longer than you can imagine
Go online if you have been looking for the reliable chiropractic decompression tables for sale.